
81 Bay St

The principles at PKoloncc provided strategic advice and managed a negotiated resolution of commercial issues which arose during construction, including the valuation of Change, Delay and Disruption in relation to a prestigious multi-storey commercial building situated in the heart of downtown Toronto

The principles at PKoloncc provided strategic advice and managed a negotiated resolution of commercial issues which arose during construction, including the valuation of Change, Delay and Disruption in relation to a prestigious multi-storey commercial building situated in the heart of downtown Toronto.



The Challenges

As in many construction projects, the site teams had focused on delivering the project promptly, leaving key commercial issues unresolved.


The Project was close to completion when PKoloncc were invited to assist, and provide the commercial support required to bring about a negotiated resolution of outstanding change, delay and disruption costs arising as a result of Contractor, Consultant and Sub-consultant instructions, including;

  • Engineering & Architectural Instructions
  • RFI responses
  • Changes to schedule timing or work sequence
  • Contractor back-charges


The Role of PKoloncc at 81 Bay St.


PKoloncc partnered with the Client, Contractor and Subcontractor managing the process of resolution in a cordial and professional manner, ensuring that essential business relationships were maintained and, at all times, keeping the client informed of the strengths, weaknesses and likely risks which would arise during the process of negotiating a settlement.

  • Reviewing the Subcontract and other relevant information to establish a firm contractual basis for entitlement.
  • Providing a clear strategy for resolution, incorporating the client’s business priorities.
  • Preparing and maintaining a log of all Changes.
  • Submitting or re-submitting pricing with persuasive, detailed, supporting information, as necessary.
  • Providing a detailed and reasoned risk assessment.
  • Meeting with Contractor and Designer representatives to review, negotiate and agree on resolution or steps to resolve.

Have a Question?

Common sense analysis of available information, schedules and contractual terms for determining change