The Background of Pkoloncc

Commercial Buildings and Major Infrastructure Projects, Including Light Rail, Transit & Healthcare
The Challenges of Major Projects
PKoloncc has been involved in bespoke projects throughout Canada and Internationally. The International projects have included Airports, Dry Docks, Generating Stations, and Light Rail Transit. In the last five years, the business has partnered with various clients involved in constructing Highways, Hospitals, LNG Infrastructure, and Light Rail Transit, including Subway Stations, throughout Canada.
In the last five years, the business has partnered with various clients involved in constructing Highways, Hospitals, LNG Infrastructure, and Light Rail Transit, including Subway Stations, throughout Canada.
Undoubtedly one of the challenges is the size of the project and the skill sets of the people. However, more importantly, is the complexity, whether installing light rail transit using the latest technology from Europe or working on-site with businesses in China to manufacture precision finishes for Sub-Way projects.
Understanding construction and contractual responsibility requires specific skills, particularly with the increasing number of complex Private Public Partnership (PPP) projects.
These involve the ability to comprehend complex situations quickly and understand scheduling and critical activities to allow completion while building robust relationships with owners, consultants, clients and sub-trades. Also, providing an accurate forecast cost to completion.
Bespoke projects invariably overrun because the teams are working with unique issues for the first time and cannot devote sufficient resources to properly assess the full implications of problems as they arise. Construction experience and the ability to recognize these complexities early are paramount.
Only by acceptance of the potential outturn can businesses take steps to manage the outturn. PKoloncc builds on relationships with good construction/ commercial knowledge of Infrastructure/transit projects and proper accounting for risks.
Clients benefit from PKoloncc devoting time to their contractual/ complex construction matters allowing the project team to focus on organising and building.
The Expertise of PKoloncc
The Canadian culture is one of partnership, and PKoloncc has recognised this fundamental approach. Canadian sub-trades are resourceful, and inclusion in their management decisions will result in the success of a project. The expertise PKoloncc has acquired in managing/supporting troubled projects over the last 20 years in Canada and Internationally has developed a unique skill set to support their clients. These skills can be summarised as follows:

Project Leadership
Accomplished at project leadership of infrastructure and transit projects with astute ability to determine the key drivers of complex projects, and assess liability or responsibility for overrun of schedule and or cost,

Expert Reports
Able to provide Expert Reports with a common sense understanding of delays, critical path analysis, and resource-constrained activities,

Excellent Relationship Developers
Excellent relationship developers between client and sub-trades with the diplomatic art of explaining liability,

Understanding Of Legal & Contractual Matters
In-depth understanding of legal and contractual matters, so consultation with legal counsel and experts is effective and less costly,

Preparation and Negotiation of Claims
Indubitable expertise in the preparation and negotiation of claims to bring about an amicable financial resolution, also continually seeking (A)lternative (D)ispute (R)esolution to bring about the most cost-effective agreement.

Proficient Problem Solving
Proficient at resolving complex construction issues, contractual interpretation, geotechnical, hydrological and specifications.

Leading Dispute Teams
Leading dispute teams, along with Legal Counsel in both Arbitration and Litigation, which has included managing the review of expert reports in scheduling, geotechnical, hydrological and construction.